
Welcome, greetings and blessings. Thank you for lending me your attention; it is your most precious gift to give in this life and I am grateful to hold it for now - I hope you will find it valuably spent. If you are interested in homesteading, gardening, astrology, sustainability, synchronicity, esoteric learning… you may have found your space here. Make yourself comfortable as we get to know each other.

I learned long ago that marking the passing of time with ritual and gratitude is a way to keep myself centered. Along the way, there were many breadcrumbs I followed into the forest where I now dwell. Life has been an exercise in remembering and realizing. I can look back and clearly see the seeds of today's flowers planted in my early life. Maybe it is the same for you, maybe not. The beauty is we are all on our own journeys, shifting together in the kaleidoscope of creation.

Today, I am a 4th-year homesteader and 11th-year student of astrology.  I am almost 30, fresh off my first Saturn return and in my 2nd year of graduate school. I am now studying education, but my undergraduate studies were in psychology and biology. I am a wife, a daughter, a leader, a creator, a human being! It can be a lot to keep up with, all the titles and labels. It can also be tricky - how do you know when it is okay to use a new one? Was I a homesteader when I made my first cleaning supplies, when I bought my land, when I started raising chickens, when I picked my first vegetables? I am in my 4th month of an apothecary fellowship - am I an herbalist? Who knows. What matters is I am showing up.

Many of us grew up with an awareness that our world needed help. As I got older, entered college, and began to really look around at the world, it became evident to me that I was not going to be able to save the world. Not by myself. There is very little I have control over as a woman of modest resources, but I can always control my choices, and I can use my choices to make things better. I have two eyes and two hands and a functioning brain, and I can make these faculties work for me in whatever way I want. So can you! Even if you feel limited, it is still possible to make an unimaginable difference. Perception is reality; if you believe you can help, you can.

I know it can be overwhelming. I'm here to share what I've learned in hopes that it can benefit you. Little by little, we can work to live in reciprocity with our mother Earth and to create systems in our life that make sense and do as little harm as possible. Most likely, you will not go from dreaming your dream to living it overnight. I sure didn't, and I'm still on my path, but I've come a long, long way and I am working towards it every day. I hope I can make you believe that you can do the same. You do not have to jump the chasm tomorrow, you just need to lay the first brick for your bridge! Going back to our roots and finding ways to live more sustainably, in harmony with life's cycles, is a love letter to creation. My words are my gift, and my intention is to allow them to weave good things into reality.

Something has brought you here, there are no accidents under the sun. May we learn and grow together to make this life a more harmonious experience for each of us.

Love & Light,



Beekeeping, failure, & community